Reports and Publications
Reports, publications, and presentations from the RAPSODI project are listed here, with links to the corresponding publications.
RAPSODI Popular Science Reports
RAPSODI Publications
- Risk Assessment and Design of Prevention Structures for Enhanced Tsunami Disaster Resilience (RAPSODI),
- C. B. Harbitz et al., Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol. 58, No. 4 (2016) 1640012 (37 pages) - Tsunami Risk Reduction - Are We Better Prepared Today than in 2004?
- by F. Løvholt et al. See also the pre-published version of this article. - Tsunami Seabed StructureInteraction from Geotechnical and Hydrodynamic Perspectives
- by S. Sassa
RAPSODI Deliverables
- Deliverable-D1 - Existing tools, data, and literature on tsunami impact, loads on structures, failure modes and vulnerability assessment
- Deliverable-D2 - Review of post-tsunami field surveys (run-up, flow depth, flow velocities, fluxes), damages, and fatalities of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami
- Deliverable-D3 - Comparison of coastal structures in Europe and Japan
- Deliverable-D4 - Comparison of mitigation strategies in Europe and Japan
- Deliverable-D5 - Computed tsunami parameter values in shallow waters and around structures
- Deliverable-D6 - Numerical Modelling of Tsunamis in Harbours and Bays
- Deliverable-D7 - Results of the laboratory analysis and wave flume tests
- Deliverable-D8 - A GIS tsunami vulnerability and risk assessment model
- Deliverable-D9 - Guidelines for design of structures and risk management strategies
Background material
- Modeling propagation and inundation of the 11 March 2011 Tohoku tsunami
- Løvholt et. al. 2012, NHESS - Analysis of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami
- NGI Report 20081430-00-11-R, 31 December 2011 - Entwicklung von Strategien für die Konstruktion von tsunamisicheren Bauweisen
- Bachelor thesis, Ina Zimmermann (This is a student thesis. It may contain mistakes and inconsistencies. It does not necessarily represent the opinion of the RAPSODI project).
The final RAPSODI project Meeting and Workshop
was held 5-6 March 2015 in Braunschweig. Here are links to the presentations held at this meeting:
- RAPSODI Final Workshop
- METU contributions to RAPSODI
- Deliverable D2 Reviewof post-tsunami field surveys (run up, flow depth, flow velocities, fluxes), damages, and fatalities of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami
- Y. NAKAMURA, T. ARIKAWA, S. SASSA, K. Okada - Summary of laboratory experiments at LWI (WP3)
- Agnieszka Strusińska-Correia, Andreas Kortenhaus - Applying the GIS methodology for local tsunami risk assessment to the 2011 Tohoku event
- R. Frauenfelder, C.B. Harbitz, S. Glimsdal - The Influence of macro-roughness elements on the propagation of a bore over an initially dry bottom
- Stefan Leschka, Hocine Oumeraci
CONCERT-Japan Workshop
Resilience against Disasters, was held in Tokyo, 25 November 2014. Here is link to the presentation held at this meeting:
- Joint RAPSODI presentation - Risk Assessment and design of Prevention Structures fOrenhanced tsunami DIsasterresilience
- Carl B. Harbitz, Agnieszka B. Strusinska-Correia
The third RAPSODI project meeting
hosted by PARI, was held in Yokosuka City, 19-20 November 2014. Here are links to the presentations held at this meeting:
- RAPSODI -Risk Assessment and design of Prevention Structures fOr enhanced tsunami DIsaster resilience -D1-D3-D4-D5
- GIS methodology for local tsunami risk assessment
- C.B. Harbitz, R. Frauenfelder, S. Glimsdal - Summary of laboratory experiments at LWI (WP3)
- Agnieszka Strusińska-Correia, Andreas Kortenhaus
Field trip
to the Norwegian fjords exposed to rockslide tsunamis, was held 4-6 September 2014. Here is link to the presentation held at this meeting:
- A review of research and civil protection issues related to Aakerneset
- C. B. Harbitz, G. K. Pedersen, S. Glimsdal - Rockslide tsunamis in complex fjords: From an unstable rock slope at Åkerneset to tsunami risk in western Norway
- C. B. Harbitz et al., Coastal Engineering, Elsevier 2014
The second RAPSODI project meeting
was held at METU in Ankara, Turkey, 15-16 May 2014. Here are links to the presentations held at this meeting:
- Risk Assessment and design of Prevention Structures fOr enhanced tsunami DIsaster resilience
- Regula Frauenfelder, Carl HarbitzI - Relation between inundation depth and damage of structures due to the 2011's Tsunami
- Taro Arikawa, Port and Airport Research Institute - Planning of the laboratory experiments at TU-BS
- Andreas Kortenhaus, Agnieszka Strusiska-Correia, METU - Tsunami Hydrodynamics
- Utku Kanoglu, METU - Summary of Experimental Works
- D. Kisacik, Dokuz Eylul University
The first RAPSODI project meeting
was arranged at NGI's offices in Oslo, on 25th October 2013. Representatives from all four participating partners attended. Here are links to the presentations held at this meeting:
- Research activities in PARI and future planning for RAPSODI
- Yoshiyuki Nakamura - Contribution of LWI to the RAPSODI Project
- Andreas Kortenhaus - GIS methodologies for local tsunami risk assessment: examples
- Regula Frauenfelder - Risk Assessment and design of Prevention Structures fOr enhanced tsunami DIsaster resilience
- Carl Harbitz - Possible NGI contributions related to tsunami modeling activities
- Finn Løvholt and Carl B. Harbitz - The coast and the sea - it is our concern!
- Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner

Carl Bonnevie Harbitz
Expert Adviser Climate Adaptation and Hydrodynamics 922 39 636