Storm surge and sea level rise

Storm surge is a situation where extra high sea water levels occur in the event of a coincidence between astronomical high tide and meteorological factors such as onshore winds and low pressure. A storm surge can be further amplified by a spring tide, ie. when the moon and sun are on the same line.
Expected climate change is likely to result in more frequent and stronger storms, which, together with sea level rise, will make storm surges an increasing problem in Norway.
Statistics and hazard maps for storm surges in Norway are available through the Norwegian Mapping Authority's online services: SeHavnivå and SeHavnivå in maps. Data from the Norwegian Mapping Authority's pages do not consider local effects, the connection between floods in rivers and storm surges, and the effect of this or the impact of wind waves. NGI's expertise in storm surges and waves includes all of these effects. Our analyses typically use an estimated sea level for the year 2100.
NGI's storm surge expertise
is related to:
- advanced numerical models for the analysis of storm surges due to a combination of astronomical and meteorological factors
- wind-generated waves, also in combination with storm surge
- connection of storm surge with water flow (flood) at river outlet
- erosion potential
- weather analysis
- modeling of wind fields
Storm surge services
- preparation of detailed hazard zone maps related to limit values in building regulations (TEK17)
- analysis of flushing of storm surges and waves inland, e.g., against critical facilities or other infrastructure
- evaluation of erosion potential
- security measures against storm surges, wind waves, and erosion
Research and development
NGI's strategic research project Multi-scale Erosion Risk during Climate Change "- MERRiC / MERRIK (2017-2019) focused, among other things, on increased competence in storm surges and wind waves. Here, modelling of erosion potential in storm surges and wind waves based on grain size was considered.

Carl Bonnevie Harbitz
Expert Adviser Climate Adaptation and Hydrodynamics 922 39 636

Sylfest Glimsdal
Senior Specialist Climate Adaptation and Hydrodynamics 909 72 669