For more information see the project webpage for the International Quick Clay Center.
The center’s aims and goals
- The center’s aim is to ensure safe communities, safe infrastructure and to protect the environment and eco-systems when building, living, commuting, and farming over quick clay, through:
- Contributing to a safer and more robust society facing climate change
- Providing an open arena for the geotechnical community
- Boosting collaboration, discuss and develop opportunities between the industry, authorities, and the R&D sector in an openly fashion
- Educating and promoting the next generation(s) of geotechnical experts
The center’s technical fields of activities

The center’s side activities – Your benefits

Examples of ongoing activities at NGI
- NGI-GBV – Coupled failure and runout modelling
- NGI-GBV – Quantification of 3D effects on slope stability in QC terrain
- Norwegian Space Agency – INSAR techniques for surveying of QC terrain
- Use of ML techniques for site characterization
- RFF – HIGELIG - High resolution Geophysical mapping of the quick clays in Gjerdrum
- Impact of blasting vibrations on pore pressure build-up in QC (w/ SVV and BaneNor)
What will the center accomplish?
- More targeted organization of related R&D proposals to national and international funding agencies
- Increase the knowledge and raise awareness on quick clay
- Increase the number of geotechnical students
- Better coordination of activities among various stakeholders in Norway and internationally
> The center thereby directly responds to the suggestions outlined in Gjerdrumutvalgets second report (NOU) as presented on March 28, 2022