WP1 - Methodology
The main objective of this work package is to develop the European Lagoon Management Handbook, with training guide and process design.

This WP will run as long as the project lasts and is - apart from designing the Handbook - geared at nourishing the project with sound knowledge management and (policy) process management.
The EU Lagoon Management Handbook will be designed through several activities which have the following objectives:
- Scientific knowledge management for evidence based lagoon management. This is a highly multi-disciplinary project that is designed for evidence based policy making on the subject of lagoons and other coastal areas. The sound integration of the multidisciplinary knowledge in such a way that it has meaning for management of coastal zones (lagoons, wetlands and estuaries) is therefore of the utmost importance. This WP will deliver the methodology for scientific knowledge management through specifically designed "knowledge integration sessions".
- Design of a workshop methodology that will be applied in the cases, and adapted and refined according to the experiences from these cases. Evaluation of the cases and implementation activities will be taken up in the Handbook.
- Instruction and training of the partners (and other involved actors) on the workshop methodology. All training materials will be made available for dissemination.
- Production of the EU Lagoon Management Handbook that will consist of sections with the methodology to produce the "state-of-the-lagoon"-reports and "roadmaps to manage pressures", sections with the workshop methodology and a section with a self-training guide.

- Adriaan Slob, Sub-project Manager, adriaan.slob@tno.nl