The Collaboration Forum for Offshore Wind has launched the report series "From Gentle Breeze to Strong Gale."
On March 14, the Collaboration Forum for Offshore Wind and the Industry and Technology Development Working Group, led by Norsk Industri, presented their recommendations and roadmap to decision-makers in politics, public administration, research, and industry.

Launch of the report trilogy "From Gentle Breeze to Strong Gale" organized by the Collaboration Forum for Offshore Wind on March 14, 2024. From left: Thomas Langford (NGI), John Olav Tande (Sintef), Yngve Børstad (Norsk Industri), State Secretary Astrid Bergmål (ED), Henna Kvam (ED), and Kristin Nergaad Berg (DNV). ( Photo: Norsk Industri.)
Norway is an evolving offshore wind nation, already exporting technology and solutions to projects worldwide. On March 14, three reports were launched by the Collaboration Forum for Offshore Wind's working group for industry and technology development.
Thomas Langford from NGI leads the thematic group for "internationalization and export," and the group's recommendations include strengthening the toolbox, establishing a sector agreement for the industry, and increased investment in research and technology development focused on floating offshore wind and solutions for bottom-fixed projects in intermediate-depth waters.
"Norwegian suppliers are already established in all of the world's offshore wind areas, and with good collaboration between industry and the public sector, we can build a world-leading position within important market segments that could become a fantastic export adventure," says Langford.
The report provides clear advice on what needs to be done and when to achieve the ambitions of 30GW allocated by 2040.
The document trilogy "From Gentle Breeze to Strong Gale" is the first release from the Industry and Technology Development Working Group, aiming to convey the insights discussed in the collaboration forum. The Collaboration Forum comprises more than 50 contributors from industry, the toolbox, research, and academia.
The report focuses on the following themes:
- Industrial development and supply chains
- Internationalization and export
- Research, technology development, and expertise
During the launch, the reports were handed over to the Ministry of Energy by State Secretary Astrid Bergmål and Senior Advisor Henna Kvam. You can watch the launch and read the reports here.
This article was originally published by Norsk Industri.