NGI to provide assistance to the installation of suction bucket jackets at Changhua field offshore Taiwan
Ørsted is responsible for the Greater Changhua Offshore Wind Project on the west coast of Taiwan. Framo won the contract to supply suction bucket pumping systems to install the foundation jackets. Framo has contracted NGI to provide geotechnical engineering expertise, instrumentation equipment, and installation monitoring during the fieldwork.

The Suction Bucket Jackets Greater Changhua 2b and 4 offshore wind projects will be installed using the Aegir Vessel (Heerema), here pictured from the installation of jackets in the Greater Changhua area in a previous phase (completed in 2022). ( Photo from Heerema / Ørsted)
Ørsted´s 920 MW Greater Changhua 2b and 4 offshore wind farms are located 35 - 60 km off the Changhua coast in Taiwan. The installation of the wind farms is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.
- We are proud to again assist Ørsted and Framo, and to be involved in constructing the Greater Changhua 2b and 4 offshore wind farms", says Kristoffer Skau, Division Director for GeoData and Technology at NGI.

Suction bucket Jacket installation series - lifting jacket off from barge and placing it on the seabed (upper two photos), apllying suction to the SBJ's mounted on the bottom of the jacket legs penetrates the SBJ foundation into the seabed (bottom). ( Ørsted (upper left) and NGI)
Proven foundation technonolgy
The technology of the suction bucket jacket (SBJ) foundation has secured and safely anchored platforms and offshore installations around the world for many years. Larger wind farms are using this technology on jackets to overcome difficult and variable soil conditions, whilst gaining faster installation speed and avoidance of pile driving noise.
Suction bucket technology has a more environmentally friendly footprint than installing monopiles. Besides the increased installation speed compared to traditionally piled jackets, the SBJ concept provides for easier decommissioning.
NGI and Framo have been cooperating for a long time with suction bucket installations. In 2018 Framo and NGI installed 20 SBJ’s at Ørsted's wind farm Borkum Riffgrund 2 off the coast of Germany.
NGI is a renowned expert in offshore geotechnical engineering. Prediction of penetration resistance during installation of the jackets and techniques and ways to overcome obstacles and challenges during installation operations are vital for a successful installation. The Greater Changhua 2b and 4 offshore wind farms entail the installation of 66 SBJ’s.
Egil Solhjell is NGI’s project manager, and personnel from NGI’s offices in both Oslo and Perth (Western Australia) will be involved. NGI's scope of work includes the following:
- Planning, purchase, and installation of all instrumentation equipment to be mounted on Framo's suction pumps.
- Geotechnical assessments and planning procedures for the various installations within areas with varying soil conditions.
- Participation in the offshore installation work from early 2025 for six months. This will also include an onshore backup support team.

Egil Solhjell
Principal Engineer Field Testing and Offshore Instrumentation 413 35 370

Stephen Hayes
Head of Section Field Testing and Offshore Instrumentation 934 10 760