NGIs strategic focus areas for 2022-2025

The world needs to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and we must also adapt to a climate that is changing rapidly around us. We must achieve this while also securing sufficient energy to a Norway and a world in growth. These significant societal challenges require that we research, develop and embrace new knowledge and solutions that are compatible within nature’s boundaries.
At NGI we have gathered some of the brightest minds in our sector, precisely because our geotechnical and geoscientific expertise shall contribute to resolving these global challenges.
NGI cannot find solutions alone. Our strategy requires that we become even better at collaborating, both internally and externally. We must be a more pronounced bridge-builder between applied research, industry and the public sector, and we must have the ability to see how our expertise can contribute to the green shift. Every single employee at NGI plays an important role in this work. Together we will ensure that we achieve our goals.

Øydis Ulrikke Castberg
Head of Communication Communication and recruitment 948 03 152